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Pemimpin Tanggung

Banyak dari kegitan saya yang terlibat dengan banyak ornag dan saya harus berinteraksi dengan pemimpin-pemiimpin pada kegiatan saya sehari-harinya. Bekerja pada suatu perusahaan dengan kegiatan kampus dan kegiatan lainnya membuat saya harus belajar sangat ketat dalam mengatur waktu seharusnya. Kembali lagi pada prioritas,itulah yang biasanya yang menjadi bahan pertimbangan yang sangat tepat untuk saya membagi waktu.Dibalik itu semua butuh juga yang namanya "kedewasaan diri", hal ini sering kali terlupakan oleh banyak orang. Tak terpungkiri saya pribadi sering menghiraukan kedawasaan diri saya, #rasanya sering ingin mentertawakan diri sendiri. Pagi ini saya ditemani secangkir air putih di meja kerja saya yang sangat berantakan,melanjutakan beberapa tilisan yang harus saya lanjutkan di blog saya ini. Back to the topic, bahasan yang harusa dilanjutkan "pemimpin tanggung". Pemimpin yang saya akan bahas adalah pemimpin yang masih tanggung untuk memimpin. Rasanya say...


SEO -  The Zeal for the World Wide Web

There are lots of promises SEO can bring to your business.

Everyone in the world of internet marketing is very eager to discover all these promises.

Information and techniques have been sprouting left and right, SEO professional services have been on the rise claiming they can make you rank in the first page of search engines like Google, MSN, Yahoo and the like for such a short period of time.  And if you’re like most online webmasters, you have probably read one article after another anything about Search Engine Optimization.

Admit it or not, there’s always the thrill and challenges in pushing yourself to make it to the top.  In everything you do, you always see to it and you always aim high to be the best of the best.  This is what we call PASSION, ZEAL, and ENTHUSIASM… 

Your passion will lead you to the top.

This is a very genuine truth.  Leading you to the top means

  • more income,

  • more profit,

  • more exposure and

  • greater chance to dominate the rest.

Follow the rules, go with the flow, be open for changes, become resourceful and creative, believe in what you do and most importantly – never stop learning. 

Learning is a never ending process not just in SEO but in all that you do. 

The passion for SEO does not die, nor doesn’t it lie low.  As long as the lucrative business of internet marketing exists, SEO gets more aggressive and dynamic.  Remember that achieving top rankings will take time. No one gets to the top on the instance you hit enter and click your mouse or the moment you submit your site to most search engines.  You have to persevere to see your fruits of labor.

On the other hand, don't become obsessed by the need for any SEO expert. Yet, if your company can pay for one, go for it.  You just have to select the right SEO Professional for your company. 

A guide in choosing the right SEO Firm / SEO Consultant for your company will be tackled in the next articles.

So, keep reading and be hipped to the latest zeal in the world of SEO.


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