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Pemimpin Tanggung

Banyak dari kegitan saya yang terlibat dengan banyak ornag dan saya harus berinteraksi dengan pemimpin-pemiimpin pada kegiatan saya sehari-harinya. Bekerja pada suatu perusahaan dengan kegiatan kampus dan kegiatan lainnya membuat saya harus belajar sangat ketat dalam mengatur waktu seharusnya. Kembali lagi pada prioritas,itulah yang biasanya yang menjadi bahan pertimbangan yang sangat tepat untuk saya membagi waktu.Dibalik itu semua butuh juga yang namanya "kedewasaan diri", hal ini sering kali terlupakan oleh banyak orang. Tak terpungkiri saya pribadi sering menghiraukan kedawasaan diri saya, #rasanya sering ingin mentertawakan diri sendiri. Pagi ini saya ditemani secangkir air putih di meja kerja saya yang sangat berantakan,melanjutakan beberapa tilisan yang harus saya lanjutkan di blog saya ini. Back to the topic, bahasan yang harusa dilanjutkan "pemimpin tanggung". Pemimpin yang saya akan bahas adalah pemimpin yang masih tanggung untuk memimpin. Rasanya say...

Ready, Set, Innovate

Don't save creative thinking for last-minute brainstroming session, make it a way of looking at your world. This information will help you change your thinking, down to your brain's chemicals, so you can embrace new solutions and your next great big idea.

Do This!!!

Do Meditate.
 Studies show that those who meditate daily for at least 30 minutes have better focus.

Do Trust Yourself.
When people believe they become more curious and more open-minded and are less likely to give up.

Do Model The Greats.
Think, what are smart people doing and what can that teach me?

Do Be A Sponge.
Constantly try new things. Seek out new viewpoints, places, ideas, music, and even food.

Do Say, " Yes, And."
Great improv actors listen to one another and build a scene with each new comment. They have open minds and think on their feet to move ideas forward.

Do Push Back.
To truly innovate, you must diverge from the norm. Question assumptions by asking pointed, open-ended questions.

Do Pay Attention.
Listen closely. Be observant and informed. Be patient and in the moment.

Do Get Moving.
Let the body wander,  and your mind will follow, according to recent study. During and after a short walk, creative output and thinking increase 70%.

Don't Do That

Don't Stay Up All Night.
You'll have less capacity to learn. You need deep sleep for deep insights.

Don't Wait For Inspiration.
Give yourself the time and eneergy to address your most challenging questions.

Don't Go It Alone.
Consider generating ideas solo, then bringing them to a group for more insights. Complex problems often require multiple viewpoints.

Don't Pass Judgement.
The Creative process. Work to understand the problem, not just to solve it.

Don't Argue.
New ideas require risk. People new to know it's safe to express new thinking.

Don't Be Lazy.
Give yourself the time and energy to address your most challenging questions.

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