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Pemimpin Tanggung

Banyak dari kegitan saya yang terlibat dengan banyak ornag dan saya harus berinteraksi dengan pemimpin-pemiimpin pada kegiatan saya sehari-harinya. Bekerja pada suatu perusahaan dengan kegiatan kampus dan kegiatan lainnya membuat saya harus belajar sangat ketat dalam mengatur waktu seharusnya. Kembali lagi pada prioritas,itulah yang biasanya yang menjadi bahan pertimbangan yang sangat tepat untuk saya membagi waktu.Dibalik itu semua butuh juga yang namanya "kedewasaan diri", hal ini sering kali terlupakan oleh banyak orang. Tak terpungkiri saya pribadi sering menghiraukan kedawasaan diri saya, #rasanya sering ingin mentertawakan diri sendiri. Pagi ini saya ditemani secangkir air putih di meja kerja saya yang sangat berantakan,melanjutakan beberapa tilisan yang harus saya lanjutkan di blog saya ini. Back to the topic, bahasan yang harusa dilanjutkan "pemimpin tanggung". Pemimpin yang saya akan bahas adalah pemimpin yang masih tanggung untuk memimpin. Rasanya say...

Compelling Content Creation

How to make compelling content? I personally do many steps to make every content have meaning that can be attached to many people. There are steps that can be a reference for making compelling content:

1. Think Like a Journalist

Before getting too bogged down with the meat-and-veg of the content, remember that you'll win or lose about 89% of your target audience with your headlines and intros alone. Win them over here and you'll have a much easier jo b with the rest.

2. Inspiration

If you're in the midst of a dry spell, try finding out what pearls of wisdom are floating around the brains of those around you. Family, friends and colleagues alike even those with no interest in your niche can offer new and intersting perspectives.

3.Bite Sized

If you think they'll be willing to read ream after ream of text until they find something of interest, think again. A few lines is all you've got before they get bored and do a runner, so be sure to keep when you're saying concise, to the point and ideally in bite sized chunks.

4. News Jack

The nature of the news world has always been one of poaching other people's strories and headlines. The key is getting their first and making it your own. As such, never underestimate the importance of keeping one finger on the pulse of your niche at all times, sharing anything you hear of interest before it goes stale.

5. Keep it Conversational

English that's over formal is a big turn off for most as you quickly feel like you're being lectured, rather than informed. So, be sure to keep the tone always at an appropriately conversational level, without crossing the line into inappropriateness.

6. Don't Oversell it

Your audience already knows that you think you're great, so there's really no need to keep blowing your own trumpet and going for the hardsell. If you do, anything you say will lose its sparkle and be interpreted as pure sales spiel.

7. With Photos Keep it real

If planning to use any images whatsover to back-up your text, don't fall into the habit of using those oh-so easy and readily available stock photos. Sure they look nice, but they don't tell your readers anything about you and what makes you tick.

8. Invite guests

Guest posts not only allowed for new angles and new inspiration, but also show readers thath you're welcoming and open hugely attrctive traits. Whether it's guest blog, a comments section or a simple open invite to share a few views, you can't go wrong when they're doing the graft for you.

9. Reach Out

If you seem to be constantly striking out in term of figureing out take the bold and brave move to actually ask them> Send out a few emails, make a few calls or even post a few questions online wuitassuming you know what they want and find out for sure.

10.Memory Lane

 If you strcuk gold in a big way with an amazing piece of content you wrote a few weeks or moths ago, don't godepriving your new and hugely valuable readers of its glory. Instead, repost it for those that haven't already read it, reuse and recycle at all times.

11. Honesty Policy

Don't pretend you know what you're talking about if you don't and worse still don't pretend to like something you hate. Your content will stink to high heaven of fabrication and send readers packing stick with what you know and love.

12. Do Your Homework

You don't have to guess what's hot and not right now in your niche you can count on Google and Co. To give you all the info you need. Look into plenty of up-to-date statistics and analytics to find what the masses are into and give it to them!

13. Navigation

Make it clear, easy and fast for readers to find what they need and where they need to go to find it. There's really no point promising them the world on your home page if they then can't find where to click to move forward moillions of conversions are lost this way every minute of every day.

14.  Keep 'em Seperated

Topics with theirs own lading pages have much better convertation rates then those squeezed in o other nondedicated pages. Fact! As such, it is vital that you give every topic you consider to be of importance its own landing page this is a great way of conveying its importance to readers.

15.  Timelessness

When it comes to the permanent content on your pages, never include anything that can or will go stale in a matter of weeks. Or in other words, don't make permanent content relevant only to today make it evergreen so it's still as relevant in a year.

16. Transcribe

And for the last, don't forget that not every readers will be in position to listen to your audio and video content, so be sure to include transcriptions to be accesed when and where needed. The added bonus here is that these transcripts will be picked up and indexed by search engine spiders video and audio content will not.

source: websearchseo


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